Education: Dr.arch (University of Florence, Italy, 1984); PhD (History, European University Institute, 1990); HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Art History, France, 2009).
Teaching and other positions: Assistant Professor (University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1987-1993); Associate Professor with tenure (France, School of Architecture of Saint-Etienne, 1993-2004; then School of Architecture of Paris-La Villette, 2004-2014, and School of Architecture of Paris-Malaquais, 2015-...; on leave); Head of the Study Centre, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Canada (2002-2005); Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology (2009-2012); Vincent Scully Visiting Professor of Architectural History, Yale School of Architecture (2010-2014; 2017); Professor, The Bartlett, UCL (2014-...).
Lectureships and Visiting Professorships: University of Geneva (1994-1997); Cornell (1996, 2012), University of Copenhagen (1997), MIT (2002), Williams College (2004), Polytechnic of Milan (2007), Yale University (History of Art: 2008), Princeton School of Architecture (2013), Die Angewandte, University of Vienna (2020-...), etc.
Scholarships and Grants: Visiting Scholar, The Clark Art Institute (2000); Scholar in Residence, The Getty Research Institute (2000-01); Resident, American Academy in Rome (2004-05); Scholar in residence, Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung, Weimar (2011); Grantee, The Graham Foundation, Chicago (2013); Senior Fellow in Residence, National Galley of Art, Washington (2014), Guggenheim Fellow (2022-23), etc.